Quality Control and Impartiality
"The Quality Policy of the Certification and Control Body Kronos Cert. is to provide reliable, independent, unbiased, highly reputable, accredited certification and audit services, which will increase the confidence of interested parties. This reliability is ensured by the continuous satisfaction of the existing legislation, the accreditation criteria and the requirements set in the standards ISO/IEC17065:2012 and ISO/IEC17020:2012 and the other regulatory documents set by the National Accreditation System (ESYD .), as all the above are in force from time to time. The main objective is the continuous improvement of the image of the quality and the range of services provided. The strategy for keeping customers and stakeholders satisfied includes: · Compliance with standard, regulatory documents, applicable legislation and regulatory provisions, · Exact observance and implementation of the terms of the contracts, · Adherence to the procedures and instructions of the Agency's Quality System, · Continuous Improvement, · Securing resources to carry out certifications and audits, · Use of valid methods, based on technological developments and the requirements of national legislation, to carry out the prescribed inspections, · Management of control equipment (selection, maintenance, adjustment, calibration, etc.) in a way that ensures its reliability and continued suitability for its intended use · Adherence to specific rules regarding personnel safety · Ensuring the required technical competence of the personnel involved in the inspection processes, through its validation and continuous evaluation as well as providing the necessary training, · Ensuring the independence, impartiality and integrity of all staff and external partners, · Continuous monitoring of customer satisfaction and effective management of complaints and objections. It is the policy of the Certification and Inspection Body (CBO) not only to show that it is impartial in the conformity assessment activities it carries out, but to be perceived by all interested parties in order to deliver certifications that provide confidence. It therefore ensures that all internal and external staff are aware of the need for impartiality. In order to gain and maintain confidence in the market and stakeholders, it is essential that the decisions of the Certification and Inspection Body are based on objective evidence of compliance (or non-compliance) obtained by the VTE, and that these decisions are not influenced by other interests or other parties. The Certification and Inspection Body is responsible for the impartiality of its conformity assessment activities and does not allow commercial, financial or other pressures to expose impartiality. The way the FPE has chosen to fulfill the requirement for consultation and ensure impartiality is to use a committee that includes stakeholders, called the Impartiality Committee.” |